Monday, October 19, 2009

Have you ever seen modern family? Mom probably wouldn't like it because it has a gay couple, but it is soooo funny! One of the Brown's family favorites! (along with Vampire Diaries) Jeremy holding Austin up is from Modern Family, it's like Lion King when they hold the baby lion up.

Here is out little 80's family!! Jere's a preppy boy and I'm a punk rocker! Austin is his dad!! well, at least he's wearing his dad's outfit!!

Here is our big 80's family! haha

This was Austin's first dance! He danced with Brett to "Lady in Red." This party was actually the first time Jeremy and I ever danced together! (Well, besides in our kitchen) crazy huh?

1 comment:

cari said...

I am glad you posted more pictures. i was hoping there was more. Looks like fun and i remember wearing some of that stuff. Like the long beads and leg warmers.