Tuesday, December 21, 2010


10:30 am
All excited to go, not really though, scared to death! Just took some valium. Doesn't seem to be doing anything but making me feel slightly dizzy.

2:00 pm
Finally home from the dentist. I feel about as good as I look!! My bottom two were partially in the bone!6:00 pm feeling a little better, thanks to Loritab. You can tell my left side is a little more swollen, which is funny because they took FOREVER on the right side!!
I've lost all my wisdom, so don't come to me for advice anymore!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sleepy Boy!!

yes, our garbage can is on the kitchen table, because it is just too much fun to play in!!

What is that on my shoulder???

And why can't I get it??

My first hair cut!!! Get this thing off of me!
NO!!!! You can't cut my hair off!

Halloween...in December???

I'm finally blogging about my Halloween party! Sorry it took me so long Marci!! We had our first Annual Halloween party this year! I was a little disappointed in the lack of warm bodies at the party! (mainly because I was so thirsty). I e-mailed everyone in my ward and a lot of people didn't see the e-mail until it was too late, so next year, I'm going to post something on everyone's door to get the word out, and talk about it for a couple of weeks in advance! I cooked all week long! 2-3 different goodies each night! It was a lot of fun, and a lot of work. Next year I'm not going to make so many sugary things, I'll make meatballs and little sausages! Here are some pics of the yummy goodies I made.

Witches Toes

floating hand in ginger ale punch

pumpkin sugar cookies

candy corn fudge

mummy pretzel sticks

Dried bat wings

Ghost pretzel sticks

Spider-web cupcakes


Favorite of the night: Peanut Butter Eyeballs

pumpkin cupcakes

Here are some fun Halloween costume ideas! Pirate, Poison Ivy, Black Widow, I dream of Jeannie
Little Red Riding Hood, Big bad wolf
Mr. Bones, in cognito as a dolphin

We had a Halloween get-together at Grandma Great's house. Austin was Prince Charming

And the rest of us were the 7 dwarfs!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010



The train went by, how can you tell? It left it's tracks.

This is a famous spot! You can start here and go anywhere in the world!

Have you heard the joke about the roof? It's over your head!

If you lived here you'd be home by now!

What did the elephant say when he stepped on a grape? Nothing, he just gave a little whine!

If I knew everyone in the world, you'd be one of them.

I scream...you scream...we all scream for ice cream.

What time is it? Time for all dogs to go to heaven, aren't you glad you're just a pup?

Jeremy, your dad was "RUTH-less" before he met your mom.

One fine day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight,
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other,
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
And came to arrest the two dead boys,
If you don't believe this story's true,
Ask the blind man he saw it too!

(I may not have posted all of those correctly, you may comment on that too! We don't want these to be put in the newsletter inccorectly!)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010


I've never had short hair in my life!!! (okay, except for the time when I cut my hair all by myself when I was about 4 years old!) What do you think?? I'm still uncertain! We'll see how hard it is to style, and then I'll let you know!

Friday, September 3, 2010


I am the ward SHREK specialist!!!
Jeremy thought the Bishop said TREK specialist. But I'm pretty sure he said SHREK specialist. I'm so excited. This calling only comes to our ward once every four years. Hopefully I'll actually get to go on Trek! I honestly don't think I've ever been so excited for a calling. We will start planning monthly activities for the young men/women from October up until the week of Trek, July 12th. If you have ever been on Trek and have any ideas/fun activities then let me know! I could use all the help I could get. I'll keep you posted!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Alero came home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yahoo!!!!!! Alero has returned!!!!! The police found her this morning around 3:30. She had been abandoned near a field a couple of miles away from our house. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was when I opened the car doors and everything was gone! THE NERVE OF SOME PEOPLE!!! HONESTLY...I JUST DON'T KNOW (that's for you Marci) WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE!!! Our new carseat (walmart $70ish dollars) and our other car seat base ($40) were both gone, along with my ipod, Jeremy's National Champion medal, baby pictures of Jer, all of my CD's (that I hardly listen to anyways), diaper bag, and the ADORABLE toys Jena just gave Austin (drum and cash register). We opened the trunk and couldn't believe that everything was still in there (dumb thieves, didn't even look in the trunk). Jeremy's bat bag, wedding ring, and golf clubs were in there along with Austin's stroller.

IF YOU ARE READING THIS THIEF...We took it all out now, so don't even bother coming back for more.

Also...if you are reading this thief, that means you are most likely my friend, and that is WRONG!!!

Well, we are pretty sure that there was a spare key in Alero, which creeps me out because that means the thief still has access to our car. We are going to have to get the locks changed, but that is probably a ridiculous price. (Insurance will not cover that).

Oh yeah, when Jeremy tried to drive away, there was NO power steering. Luckily we had some power steering fluid in the trunk so we filled it up and the car drove better, but it is leaking! Insurance should cover that though, since the car was fine before it was stolen. The only thing inside the car the insurance will cover is car seats, with a $100 deductible, which is about how much the car seats cost. So pretty much, WE GOT JIPPED AND ROBBED AND yeah, thanks for listening.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Alero was KIDNAPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep your eyes open for her! She has a dent on the left side of the front bender. She has a STE sticker on the rear windshield. License plate Utah Z12 3KM.
(at least we got a picture of the perpetrator)
and also, we got a very cute rental car. HURRY HOME ALERO! We miss you!

p.s. this is not a joke

Monday, August 9, 2010

Colby and Austin

Colby 15 months. Austin 10 months.
It was not easy keeping hats on those two boys!

Idaho Falls, ID

Our next week of vacation was spent in Idaho Falls. I don't know if it was much of a vacation for Jeremy because he spent most of his time working. Look what he did...He had three days to finish this and he worked in the dark each night to get it done on time. HE'S AWESOME!!

Check out what we did for fun!!!! Rode in the tractor trailer and had baby shadow wars.

dang, you can barely see this video. It showed up a lot better on my camera. I got a video of Hailey and Brandon "shadow kissing" but you can't even see that one at all on the computer.

More pics of Oregon

THE BEACH!!!!!!!!!!
We took Ryan and went to the coast at Lincoln city. We ate at Mo's. I love Austin's scowl!

I was trying to get a picture of Austin's first tooth, but you can't really see it. It is the bottom front-right tooth.

It was really windy and FREEZING!!!