Friday, September 3, 2010


I am the ward SHREK specialist!!!
Jeremy thought the Bishop said TREK specialist. But I'm pretty sure he said SHREK specialist. I'm so excited. This calling only comes to our ward once every four years. Hopefully I'll actually get to go on Trek! I honestly don't think I've ever been so excited for a calling. We will start planning monthly activities for the young men/women from October up until the week of Trek, July 12th. If you have ever been on Trek and have any ideas/fun activities then let me know! I could use all the help I could get. I'll keep you posted!!


m@R(! said...

hahaha! jon and i read this over the weekend and were were laughing soo hard!!! shrek!

what a calling! you'll be amazing..hence your name!

love ya can't wait to party this weekend. :)

cari said...

You will be great. I heard of one trek journey a few years back where a women gave birth to a baby. I have never been on one. Sounds cool though. The planning sound like it would be fun. Enjoy !