Friday, October 30, 2009

More socializing!

Wow! Austin is a ladies man! Here he is with two girls in our ward! Rachel and Kiara (may have spelt that wrong) (Kee-are-a) He is bigger than both of them (they are both under 12 lbs) and they are both about 3 months old!

Here is Rachel:

Here is Kiara:

Thank you Misty for making me this carseat cover! I absolutely love it!!! Misty is Rachel's mom and she makes these ADORABLE car seat covers. They sell for $65 so I am soooo lucky that she made me one!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Yes, he really is that cute!!!

This is my favorite picture of Austin! Daddy was getting him to smile! Austin smiles all the time! Pretty much whenever we try and get him to smile! It is so fun!

These are Austin's friends. Macguire is 6 months old, Austin is 1 month old, and Jackson is 3 months old. Macquire weighs 17 lbs, Austin weighs 13 pounds, and Jackson weighs 10 lbs. This really shows you how big of a boy Austin is!

Austin was being camera shy!!! Cute little Macguire sure wasn't!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Jeremy's blog

For all of your fishing needs and desires, check out Jeremy's BRAND NEW BLOG!!! yahoo!!
but wait...order today and we'll throw in a rapala.
All of this for only 3 easy payments of $19.95. Okay, it's actually free and there are no rapalas, sorry, just check out my hubby's blog!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Happy 4 weeks Austin!

Here is a cute video of Austin showing off his hiccups and his sweet wide-open smile! The last half of the video is just me making a fool of myself trying to get him to smile.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

See any resemblance??

This was me at 8 months

Monday, October 19, 2009

Austin is so happy!!!!

When Brandon was a little baby I remember my mom doing exercises with him. This was one of the exercises, and I remember Brandon used to love it. Sure enough, Austin loves it too! Maybe he'll be a runner like Jon!!
Have you ever seen modern family? Mom probably wouldn't like it because it has a gay couple, but it is soooo funny! One of the Brown's family favorites! (along with Vampire Diaries) Jeremy holding Austin up is from Modern Family, it's like Lion King when they hold the baby lion up.

Here is out little 80's family!! Jere's a preppy boy and I'm a punk rocker! Austin is his dad!! well, at least he's wearing his dad's outfit!!

Here is our big 80's family! haha

This was Austin's first dance! He danced with Brett to "Lady in Red." This party was actually the first time Jeremy and I ever danced together! (Well, besides in our kitchen) crazy huh?

80's party pics

This is what happens when you set your camera down!! haha

Jessie (I don't know how she got her face to do that!)

Brett and Allie

Cousin Trish

Cousin Dan

Cousin Eric

PYT...pretty young thing

Here is the AWESOME Brown girls dancing to Michael Jackson's PYT. They first performed thriller, but I was feeding Austin so I missed most of it...dangit! Don't you wish you had as cool of sister's in law like I have!?!? (except you...Jon, Dennis, Scott and do have pretty cool sisters in law!)

80's Surprise party!!!!!

I barely saw Austin the whole night! Everyone wanted to hold him, which was nice for me because I danced most of the night! Here is the Birthday Boy Uncle Jay holding Austin.

This is Aunt Jeri and cousin Trish.

Uncle Ryan giving Austin back to daddy.

Aunt Pam with Austin.

Aunt Madonna, I mean...Marlo! She threw this totally radical party for her hubby Jay.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Austin's first photo shoot...

Check out Ashley's photography blog to see more pictures of Austin.
We couldn't get him to fall asleep, he cried most of the time!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Like Father like son...

This was Jeremy's outfit when he was a baby!!! Do you think it will work for our 80's party we are going to next weekend?? : ) Last night Jere and I went to dinner and a movie (our first date, since Austin). We went to Red Lobster (best biscuits in the world) and saw Surrogates. It was kind of a weird movie, but I still enjoyed it. Austin hung out with the Browns!! We missed him though, and couldn't wait to get back to see him. Well, it was really late so we slept over and I had brought 4 outfits for him, thinking that would be enough. He spit up so many times that his clothes were all soaking, so we had to borrow one of Jere's baby outfits for Austin to wear home! It's cute huh?

Austin and dad taking a Sunday nap!

Austin was smiling so much in his sleep and I tried to get a picture of it, but I was never fast enough. This was as close as I got. He has the cutest smile EVER!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

2 weeks!

Can you believe it!?! He already weighs 9 lbs 11 oz. He is 21 1/2 inches long! He's a growing boy who loves to eat! The doctor thinks I make cream instead of milk! I think he's right! Happy 2 week birthday Austin!! : )

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


We are planning on November 1st for Austin's blessing. Everyone is invited out to Tooele!! Our sacrament meeting starts at 2:45.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Back to the hospital!

On Friday afternoon, my mom was driving me to pick up Jeremy from work to spend the weekend at Jeremy's family's house, when i got a call from my doctor. She was worried about me because my blood work was looking worse, along with my liver function, and my blood pressure had been high. I went to a hospital by Jere's work and got my blood pressure tested. 179/95 WAY TOO HIGH!! So we drove back to Tooele and went to the emergency room. I don't know what i would have done without mom because she took Austin home and fed him while Jeremy stayed with me at the hospital. My doctor told me I had pre-eclampsia and was at risk for seizures, so they put me on a magnesium drip for 24 hours, and then kept me another day to see how my blood pressure was doing. My whole body was so swollen (especially my legs, feet, and face) and in only one day I peed 6 liters!!!! SIX LITERS!!! Now I'm not very swollen anymore. It was a very scary experience for me!! At first they told me I wasn't going to be able to bring the baby in, but then i was transfered to Labor and Delivery where they took care of me and Austin was able to come visit. His grandmas took care of him, and I am so grateful for both of them!!! i am doing better now, my blood work is back to normal, but my blood pressure is a little high still. About 135/89, but it's constantly going up and down.
Austin got to meet Grandpa Griffin and Uncle Brandon in the hospital!!

More pictures of Austin!

I love my boppy pillow! And so does Austin!

His first time in the swing. It doesn't look like it, but he ended up enjoying it!

My first bath!!!

It wasn't very fun, I cried the whole time, until daddy wrapped me up in that warm towel! -Austin

I'm all clean now!!!