Monday, August 3, 2009


Wow, I am so ready to move out of this basement apartment! Big, huge spiders! I told Jeremy that I wish that spiders would chirp so that we knew where they were, but they we both decided that it would freak us out! During my nightly routine of using the bathroom 2-3 times, almost every single time lately there has been a GIANT monster waiting in the hallway for me. I AM OFFICIALLY PARANOID NOW! I woke Jeremy up twice two nights ago to come kill these monsters. (I'm sure he really appreciated that!) Well, we put a spider trap in the hall, and last night there was a huge hobo on it! YUCK!!! Then this morning there was a monster in our room! I made Jeremy late for work as he moved our dresser out to kill it! WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT JEREMY!?!?! We have three sizes of spiders in our apartment. The baby ones, on the ceiling above our bed, the medium ones, mainly in our bathroom, and the GIANT ones that stalk me and try to eat me. I can now kill the medium and baby ones, but those huge ones! AHHHHHHH!!!

The worst part is that I'll make it into the bathroom, because the hallway is dark, and then I'll be sitting there and I look out in the hallway, and there is a giant! RIGHT WHERE I HAD BEEN WALKING!!!! It disgusts me! And then I spend 10 minutes trying to find it, because they ALWAYS walk away right when I get out there to kill them. Then I can't sleep for literally 1-2 hours because I'm so scared!

I know you think I'm exaggerating, but this is real! It has happened to me countless times these last couple of weeks. I'm so sick of it that I try not to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, but that doesn't work because I just get really uncomfortable and I can't sleep.

well, thanks for listening to me complain! Believe it or not, I'm getting excited for winter (you'll never hear me say that for any other reason), when they all die!


cari said...

I totally understand. I hate spiders too and that is one reason I love when the cold comes. I can't live somewhere where it is hot all year because of spiders.I am getting braver at making them disappear.

Lissa said...

We found a few hobos in our place last year, so far this year I haven't seen any. I hope it stays that way since I absolutely HATE spiders. They kept me up at night too. However, since I didn't have a bun in the oven like you do, I could pop something to help me sleep the fear off.

m@R(! said...

how do you do it!!! ah!! i had to kill a black widow, it was outside and it took me about 30 minutes to get the guts to do it. don't believe me? i even have a picture to prove it.