Tuesday, July 28, 2009


SO I just went and saw Bandslam last night with Jeremy, his sisters, cousin Brit, and our friend Marci and her daughter. It was a lot of fun! We went to a screening (which means NO MOULA!!! gotta love it). It comes out August 14th if anyone is interested in seeing it. There was no swearing or anything bad. Another wholesome movie to go along with HSM!! Marci's little girl was a little bored, so I would recommend teens and up! It was really cute! The kissing scene was the best (no I won't tell who it was between). Even Jeremy was cracking up at that part!


m@R(! said...

that looks awesome!

cari said...


Stacey said...

Did they show the new preview for New Moon? I am glad you can still find some wholesome movies to go to. Thanks for the recommendation.