Monday, April 20, 2009


I don't know what it is with me and High School Musical!!! Jeremy had a softball tournament in St. George...what are the chances that he would be playing at the exact spot they filmed HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2!?!?!

Here is the field where "I don't dance" was filmed!

Here is Entrada Golf Course (In the movie it's called Lava Springs)

This is the trophey case where Ryan and Sharpay keep all of their star dazzle awards. I had to be sneaky taking this picture!

Here Ryan and Sharpay are spying on Troy and Gabriella while they have a picnic on the golf course.

Behind Jeremy and I is where Troy teaches golf lessons to Sharpay and the little kids.

This is where Gabriella breaks up with Troy on the bridge.

This is the swimming pool and the rock that they dance on in the last scene.

This is where Sharpay first drives up to Lava Springs! "Will you find some shade for my car?" "Even if we have to plant a tree"


Ashley & Donnie said...

Oh Amy you crack me up!!! I love Entrada though!

The Shaw Family said...

You don't like High School Musical, do you? I love you Amy! You never do anything half way and that is one of my favorite things about you! Miss you and I really wish we lived close to each other. We could have some good times! It's been TOO LONG.

cari said...

How fun. i love HSM. Do you have the 3rd movie yet???Sounds like you had a great birthday!!!!

GRIFJR said...

I have golfed at Entrada. Sweet course. Back 9 in the lava rocks is pretty difficult though. Had I watched HSM 3 (or is this HSM 2)then perhaps I would have recognized it.

By the way, Amy, how old are you? I feel like it is the whole "Brandon and Star Wars" thing all over again...